Sunday, October 26, 2014


So long since I've last done a blog. I've decided I need to do one for the first time in what seems like forever. Then again, I never really post anything that might be considered interesting and I don't have much followers to begin with and even labeling my posts doesn't do much anyway. I might start posting regularly, but it really depends on if I remember to do so and if I feel like it'll be worthwhile.

I will say that I'm glad and thankful to anyone who actually reads my blog and follows, favorites or bookmarks my little small world. It's worth saying that I started with the intent of doing it for fun, but I never even thought of having a regular schedule of posts. Maybe in the remaining weeks and days of 2014 I'll post more and do something to make this blog more interesting. We'll see, but it's hard to say when and if I'll post anything in the next week or so.

Friday, April 18, 2014

WWE Network Pay Per View Recommendations, Part 1

As a an early subscriber to the WWE Network there's not a huge selection of shows to watch. Raw is starting from the first episode in January 1993 and only handful of 'Best of Raw' and 'Best of Smackdown' have appeared, but it's still slim pickings now. Besides some of the original programs and some Old School footage and WCCW shows.

Still, this post is about pay per views and my selection of shows to watch. All will be listed in chronological order. This is primarily a subjective viewpoint, so please understand that this shows that I've enjoyed. Many I've actually watched when it was going during the Monday Night Wars and so forth. With that out of the way, here's a selection of shows to watch on the network in it's entirety.

I'll also put in parentheses why this show should be watched, but not for every show. However, this will also be only part one of possibly two or three posts. So, without further ado or delay, here's the first part of my PPV selections to watch on the WWE Network.

WWF/WWE Pay Per Views

In Your House: Buried Alive
(Austin vs Triple H, Undertaker vs Mankind Buried Alive Match, Sid vs Vader)

Survivor Series
(Austin vs Bret Hart, Michaels vs Sid, Rock debuts)

Royal Rumble
(Steve Austin wins the Rumble, Shawn Michaels vs Undertaker Casket Match)

WrestleMania XIV
(Steve Austin wins WWF Title, Austin Era begins, Undertaker vs Kane, Rock vs Ken Shamrock)

Over the Edge

(Rock vs Triple H Ladder Match, Austin vs Undertaker for the WWF Title)

St. Valentine's Day Massacre
(Austin vs Vince McMahon Steel Cage)

WrestleMania XV
(Austin vs Rock I, Owen Hart's last WrestleMania, Triple H turns heel)


Fully Loaded


No Mercy
(Austin vs Triple H, Rock vs British Bulldog, Edge & Christian vs Hardy Boys Ladder Match)

WCW Pay Per Views

Bash at the Beach
(NWO forms, Hulk Hogan turns heel, Ric Flair wins U.S. Heavyweight Title)

Road Wild

Fall Brawl
(War Games match with NWO vs Team WCW(Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, Lex Lugar and Sting)

Halloween Havoc
(Dean Malenko vs Rey Misterio Jr., Hogan vs Randy Savage, Roddy Piper returns to WCW)



Spring Stampede

Road Wild
(Jay Leno & DDP with Kevin Eubanks vs Hogan & Eric Bischoff with The Disciple, Goldberg vs NWO Wolfpac vs NWO Black & White Battle Royal)

Halloween Havoc
(Goldberg vs Diamond Dallas Page, Hogan vs Warrior, Kevin Nash vs Scott Hall)

ECW Pay Per Views

Barely Legal
(First PPV in company history)

Hardcore Heaven

November to Remember

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Quick Post

I have a plan to write a much more elaborate blog post in the next several days. I'll let everyone know about it as soon as I'm done with it. That's all I have to say.

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

I Don't Feel Bad

I've have interested texts with people in the past. And I've moved on. Sometimes it can be quite colorful and filled with wholly unnecessary language. People cursing at you when they don't need to, sometimes it can be jarring, but it is what it is. You learn that everybody reacts differently and you have to just move forward and not backwards and focus on more important matters.

One such event happened on Sunday night. The conversation was a bit lopsided, but one thing I've learned is to take it in stride and let it go. You think about it for a day or so and then move on. Could have been worse. Do you ever accept an apology from that person? You'd think perhaps it'd be good to receive one, but not everything goes that way. That's another thing I've learned overtime.

Typing this all down and posting it on this blog is not such a bad thing as it allows you to let go. One thing I'll do is avoid doing anything to upset or anger this individual. Whether it's meant in good intentions and no harm done, maybe and perhaps is irrelevant, it's one of those deals where you learn that some people misinterpret or take things differently from others. Maybe they realize later it was a mistake to snap that way, but the best thing to do is not bring it up.

On that note, it's time to sign off. Have a good night and a Happy New Year.

Monday, July 15, 2013


I'm planning on taking pics of some of my favorite games and posting them on here. I also plan to make a video featuring these games as well. Give me some time and I'll have them up within the next several weeks.

Here's a small list of games I'll take pictures of and posted.

In no particular order:

Resident Evil 2 (N64)
Turok: Dinosaur Hunter
Resident Evil (GameCube Remake)
Gears of War 3
Golden Axe: Beast Rider (360)
Star Trek (360)

These all won't appear in the beginning, but overtime I'll post and discuss each individual one. Stay tuned for now.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Gaming Stores

Over the course of the last several weeks, I've taken the time to drive to places in the east bay. Notably, Concord and Brentwood. First, I went to a place called Phoenix Games on June 21, which has tons of coolness, lots of vintage/retro games ranging from the 1980s and 90s to Nintendo 64, Sega Saturn, Gamecube, Xbox and to the present day. The guy that was, Chris, was an awesome guy to talk with, his knowledge of games was great and we had long discussions about gaming. I ended up buying Cruis n' USA for my N64, since my original copy was sold by a 'friend' who I let borrow it back in 1997. Safe to say we haven't spoken to each other since that time.

Today, I made the 1 hour and 14 minute drive to Brentwood and headed for the aptly named Brentwood Game Exchange. A cool looking shop with tons and tons of games. The layout was simple and easy to find what you wanted. The guy who was there Doug was cool and we spent a lengthy amount of time talking about the different console generations and plenty about how important digital distribution has become. I spent a good hour and a half there and ended up buying Black Dawn for the Saturn and Final Fantasy XIII for my Xbox 360.

I'd say my 75+ mile drive up was well worth it and I'll definitely go back when I have the chance. And the money.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

2013 MLB Predictions

Here's my picks -- with only a few days before #OpeningDay -- for who wins what this 2013 season. 162 games of fun awaits, or in total, pending rainouts and cancellations, 4,860 games. My predictions on finishes in each division, with playoffs/postseason predictions tomorrow. No awards picks yet, but I'll post that before the weekend.

2013 MLB

American League

Toronto Blue Jays 97-65
Tampa Bay Rays 90-72
Baltimore Orioles 86-76
New York Yankees 83-79
Boston Red Sox 75-87

Detroit Tigers 95-67
Kansas City Royals 87-75
Cleveland Indians 81-81
Chicago White Sox 78-84
Minnesota Twins 71-91

Oakland Athletics 96-66
Los Angeles Angels 93-69(Wild Card #1)
Texas Rangers 92-70(Wild Card #2)
Seattle Mariners 77-85
Houston Astros 60-102

As you can see, my two picks for the wildcards are the Angels and Rangers. The AL West will have strong and big time representation come October.

National League

Washington Nationals 102-60
Atlanta Braves 96-66(Wild Card #1)
Philadelphia Phillies 84-78
New York Mets 79-83
Miami Marlins 61-101

Cincinnati Reds 98-64
Pittsburgh Pirates 88-74
St. Louis Cardinals 83-79
Milwaukee Brewers 76-86
Chicago Cubs 64-98

Arizona Diamondbacks 96-66
Los Angeles Dodgers 94-68(Wild Card #2)
San Francisco Giants 89-73
San Diego Padres 81-81
Colorado Rockies 69-93

My surprise pick is the Diamondbacks returning to October glory and winning the division in shocking fashion again. This time the foundation is stronger and far more sustainable. The Braves and Dodgers slug it out for the two wild card spots.

Tomorrow will be a post on the October predictions. Even more surprises in store.