Friday, November 11, 2011


Decided to post on November 11th, 2011. Why not?

Just wanted to say that my job is still ongoing, but I'm hanging in there. And that I'm writing a lot and reading my comics too. Currently, I'm deciding to either continue the current story I'm on OR put that on hiatus and start a different story. Don't know what I'll do, but I'll decide soon.

Hope everyone enjoys their weekend!!!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

First one of the month

I know, I know, I know. It's been way too long since I posted anything on here.

Sorry, so sorry.

I do plan on blogging again with regularity. I must say though, that I enjoyed the World Series last month and am happy that baseball proved once again that the doubters are wrong about the sport. A great series that did catch people's attention. Though I personally wanted to watch the Texas Randers win, mostly for Josh Hamilton, Michael Young and Ron Washington.

I'm still happy that it was a great series. It took long enough for us to get a Game 7 of the World Series. Nine years is too long a wait. Of course, the decisive game was a bit anti-climatic given the amazing and awesome, and I rarely use this word, but epic Game 6 the night before. But all-in-all an amazing series to watch, hopefully 2012 brings us more amazing moments.

Now it's time to focus on the NFL. That means lots and lots and lots of Steelers talk, Packers talk, some Raiders, some Eagles, some Falcons too. Expect me to maybe blog during the Steelers-Ravens matchup on NBC this Sunday Night.

My pick? Steelers 21, Ravens 10. It'll be a hard-hitting and brutal affair. But aren't all their games like that?

Also, I will get to discuss my thoughts on Gears of War 3, the DC Comics stuff and maybe even my thoughts on, well, whatever comes to mind.

Thanks for reading and sorry for the lack of updates. Enjoy your week!