Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Writing Itch

I'm back writing again! It feels good and in some ways liberating. It all comes at the same time I'm back playing Gears of War 3 on Xbox Live and gaming again. That doesn't mean my job hunting is over. It continues and I really hope things get better soon on that front. But, back to my writing spree.

I'm primarily writing fanfiction. Justice League, Gears of War, Dead or Alive and such. I plan on doing Evangelion works as well. For some reason writing again makes me relax and think better. The gears(absolutely no pun intended) in my head are churning and the fact that I have a good, solid audience on makes me feel better about continuing this. It's too bad I can't use these in a workplace, it would definitely be worthwhile.

I mostly write romantic stuff, with the occasional smut and some foul language. Not much cursing mind you, but some. I also inject humor and plenty of family and friendship moments in my stories. I guess I'm more the sappy and sentimental type. I haven't delved into the action stuff yet, but I'm planning to dabble more into that sooner rather than later. It's definitely something that makes me happy being a writer.

To this day I feel as if I should have done this years ago. But I realize I can't live in the past or try to regret too much. It only hurts in the present and in the long run.

So I guess that's it. I hope you enjoyed reading this post. Until next time!

Friday, March 9, 2012

It's A Good Month

I think this will be a good month, maybe a great one. I'm not sure why, but I feel like it will be. It's worth mentioning that when you have the chance to see two of your best friends within the same 72-hour window. Then you know it'll get better. I have so much to do and am dragging my feet in many respects.

However, this month could be phenomenal. Why? Don't know, don't have an explanation.

I also want to mention that 25 out of the last 30 months were the best time(s) of my life. And I feel that after a five month lull of sorts from October-February. I think this month will be the best.

I'll try to keep everyone posted. Thanks for reading.