Friday, April 18, 2014

WWE Network Pay Per View Recommendations, Part 1

As a an early subscriber to the WWE Network there's not a huge selection of shows to watch. Raw is starting from the first episode in January 1993 and only handful of 'Best of Raw' and 'Best of Smackdown' have appeared, but it's still slim pickings now. Besides some of the original programs and some Old School footage and WCCW shows.

Still, this post is about pay per views and my selection of shows to watch. All will be listed in chronological order. This is primarily a subjective viewpoint, so please understand that this shows that I've enjoyed. Many I've actually watched when it was going during the Monday Night Wars and so forth. With that out of the way, here's a selection of shows to watch on the network in it's entirety.

I'll also put in parentheses why this show should be watched, but not for every show. However, this will also be only part one of possibly two or three posts. So, without further ado or delay, here's the first part of my PPV selections to watch on the WWE Network.

WWF/WWE Pay Per Views

In Your House: Buried Alive
(Austin vs Triple H, Undertaker vs Mankind Buried Alive Match, Sid vs Vader)

Survivor Series
(Austin vs Bret Hart, Michaels vs Sid, Rock debuts)

Royal Rumble
(Steve Austin wins the Rumble, Shawn Michaels vs Undertaker Casket Match)

WrestleMania XIV
(Steve Austin wins WWF Title, Austin Era begins, Undertaker vs Kane, Rock vs Ken Shamrock)

Over the Edge

(Rock vs Triple H Ladder Match, Austin vs Undertaker for the WWF Title)

St. Valentine's Day Massacre
(Austin vs Vince McMahon Steel Cage)

WrestleMania XV
(Austin vs Rock I, Owen Hart's last WrestleMania, Triple H turns heel)


Fully Loaded


No Mercy
(Austin vs Triple H, Rock vs British Bulldog, Edge & Christian vs Hardy Boys Ladder Match)

WCW Pay Per Views

Bash at the Beach
(NWO forms, Hulk Hogan turns heel, Ric Flair wins U.S. Heavyweight Title)

Road Wild

Fall Brawl
(War Games match with NWO vs Team WCW(Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, Lex Lugar and Sting)

Halloween Havoc
(Dean Malenko vs Rey Misterio Jr., Hogan vs Randy Savage, Roddy Piper returns to WCW)



Spring Stampede

Road Wild
(Jay Leno & DDP with Kevin Eubanks vs Hogan & Eric Bischoff with The Disciple, Goldberg vs NWO Wolfpac vs NWO Black & White Battle Royal)

Halloween Havoc
(Goldberg vs Diamond Dallas Page, Hogan vs Warrior, Kevin Nash vs Scott Hall)

ECW Pay Per Views

Barely Legal
(First PPV in company history)

Hardcore Heaven

November to Remember

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Quick Post

I have a plan to write a much more elaborate blog post in the next several days. I'll let everyone know about it as soon as I'm done with it. That's all I have to say.