Tuesday, March 26, 2013

2013 MLB Predictions

Here's my picks -- with only a few days before #OpeningDay -- for who wins what this 2013 season. 162 games of fun awaits, or in total, pending rainouts and cancellations, 4,860 games. My predictions on finishes in each division, with playoffs/postseason predictions tomorrow. No awards picks yet, but I'll post that before the weekend.

2013 MLB

American League

Toronto Blue Jays 97-65
Tampa Bay Rays 90-72
Baltimore Orioles 86-76
New York Yankees 83-79
Boston Red Sox 75-87

Detroit Tigers 95-67
Kansas City Royals 87-75
Cleveland Indians 81-81
Chicago White Sox 78-84
Minnesota Twins 71-91

Oakland Athletics 96-66
Los Angeles Angels 93-69(Wild Card #1)
Texas Rangers 92-70(Wild Card #2)
Seattle Mariners 77-85
Houston Astros 60-102

As you can see, my two picks for the wildcards are the Angels and Rangers. The AL West will have strong and big time representation come October.

National League

Washington Nationals 102-60
Atlanta Braves 96-66(Wild Card #1)
Philadelphia Phillies 84-78
New York Mets 79-83
Miami Marlins 61-101

Cincinnati Reds 98-64
Pittsburgh Pirates 88-74
St. Louis Cardinals 83-79
Milwaukee Brewers 76-86
Chicago Cubs 64-98

Arizona Diamondbacks 96-66
Los Angeles Dodgers 94-68(Wild Card #2)
San Francisco Giants 89-73
San Diego Padres 81-81
Colorado Rockies 69-93

My surprise pick is the Diamondbacks returning to October glory and winning the division in shocking fashion again. This time the foundation is stronger and far more sustainable. The Braves and Dodgers slug it out for the two wild card spots.

Tomorrow will be a post on the October predictions. Even more surprises in store.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

All-time favorite Star Trek: The Next Generation episodes

I'd like to let everyone know what some of my favorite Star Trek: The Next Generation episodes are. I have a total of 77 episodes so far. I want to narrow it down to a few, but it was very, very difficult. However, I have about 10-15 episodes I can list off. And here it is.

TOP 10 Favorite The Next Generation episodes (Seasons in parentheses):

10) Phantasms (Season 7)

9) Masks (Season 7)

8) A Fistful of Datas (Season 6)

7) The Pegasus (Season 7)

6) Who Watches the Watchers? (Season 3)

5) Quality of Life (Season 6)

4) Darmok (Season 5)

3) Lessons (Season 6)

2) Attached (Season 7)

1) The Chase (Season 6)

Here's a list of five others that didn't quite make the first cut.... In no particular order.

5) The Ensigns of Command (Season 3)

4) Frame of Mind (Season 6)

3) Remember Me (Season 4)

2) Sarek (Season 3)

1) The Enemy (Season 3)

I might in a future post, list my other favorites, but this will do for now.