Tuesday, October 25, 2011

It's been awhile

Sorry for not posting in a long time. I just haven't really had much to talk about recently. And since the MLB season is pretty much over either tomorrow night or Thursday night. I'm going to admit that I won't have much to talk about on my blog.

Unless, of course, everyone who reads my blog, wants me to talk comics and video games. However, I am an NFL fan too, though it's my second favorite sport behind baseball. I do plan to talk about my Steelers and my number two team, the Packers. So, I'll mention them often as the season progresses.

I also plan to discuss Gears of War 3 and how I felt about the game. Of course, if you know me, than you already know my feelings about this incredible game, and to me at least, how a trilogy should end.

I'll post something else later this week. Thanks for reading and enjoy the day.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Monday Post

As I sit and watch the Rangers and Tigers slug it out for the AL Pennant and chance to be in the World Series. I almost forgot to mention that I have another story I wrote in the Justice League universe, courtesy of fanfiction.net!!! I'll post the link below. But before I go further.

When I heard Al Davis had passed away. I was sitting in my car driving to work at around 8:05am on Saturday. I was shocked and when I got to work I immediately looked up on SI.com, ESPN.com, Yahoo! Sports and Fox Sports. I also, when I came home, read the different sportswriters discuss Mr. Davis. While it's not clear what happens to the Oakland Raiders from this point forward. I know the Raiders are in the best shape possible and the future looks even brighter after being in the wilderness from 2003-2009.

Secondly, how about those Pittsburgh Steelers wiping the floor with the Tennessee Titans?!?! Or the surprise upset that the Seahawks dished out against the Giants? And the Packers continued manhandling of the Falcons. Good Sunday of NFL action.

Well, that's it. Here's the link to my new story.


Sunday, October 9, 2011

Quick Post

I'll have another post later tonight. But I'd like to say it's been a sad weekend given Al Davis passing away yesterday morning. Despite all that, it's good to see the storied Oakland Raiders win one for the Legendary Owner. I do have more to say later about other things. Examples include more NFL, some MLB and even some of my thoughts on what books of DC Comics' 'New 52' are my favorites.

I'll post more later.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Quick Post

Here's a brand new piece of fiction I wrote a few days ago and had published on fanfiction.net!!!

Here's the link and enjoy. Oh, and it's a Gears of War 3 fic.


Sunday, October 2, 2011

MLB Postseason Predictions

Yes, yes, yes. I'm fully aware that October Baseball has started this past Friday and that the MLB Postseason is in full swing, but that won't deter me from postign my quicky predictions.

Here they are:

Phillies over Cardinals in 3
Diamondbacks over Brewers in 4

Tigers over Yankees in 4
Rays over Rangers in 4

Diamondbacks over Phillies in the BIG upset of 2011 in 6

Rays over Tigers in 6

And the World Series ends with the Arizona Diamondbacks beating the Tampa Bay Rays in 6.

Another surprising end to an already bizarre and wild and crazy MLB Season. Gotta love baseball!!!

I'll post something else tonight or tomorrow.