Monday, January 30, 2012

January 30th, 2012

I have lots of comic books that I enjoy reading. I'll just let everyone know that I do plan to list which ones I'm reading right now. Here's a list of the second tier or 'Group 2' of comics that I read. It's in no particular order of how they are read.

Teen Titans
War Goddess
Lady Mechanika

Those are my books that'll discuss on Thursday's post or maybe I'll do it tomorrow.

Thanks for reading.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

January 25th, 2012

I'm letting everyone know that I'm a BIG fan of 95.7 The GAME. The Bay Area's ONLY FM Sports Station!! I have not listened to KNBR, which isn't even a 'sports leader' anymore, they're a joke. 95.7 is the new leader or even a better choice for sports talk.

I've been a big supporter and fan of the station when they were Sportsradio 95.7 back in April, and then when they relaunched into what they are now, I haven't looked back. Many people I speak with now are slowly jumping aboard. I admit that I'm not a big fan of John Lund during his 'Wheelhouse' mid-day show, though it's good when he has Greg Papa or Roxy Bernstein on. When he has others, it's not that great, sometimes.

I'm not sure what it is about Lund that's bothers me so much. I think he's alright and I do listen to his show, though I think he does need to tone down the yelling part and silly stuff like that on occasion.

I don't have a chance to listen to the 'Rise Guys', however what I have heard is phenomeal and funny and informative. I also enjoy listening to Chris Townsend, though I don't catch his show all that often. I enjoy his Bay Area-centric show.

My favorite show though is 'The Drive', awesome kick ass show. It took about a week or so for Brandon Tierney to grow on me, but I really like the guy and he's good at expressing his opinions and breaking things down. Eric Davis is pretty cool and he's fun to listen to and his back and forth with BT are always fun. Their 'pressure points' segments are great and you never what the hell will be said or happen on the show.

Well, there's my two cents on the 'The GAME'. Thanks for reading.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

January 24th, 2012

Before any of you ask. I'm not a 49ers fan.

I will say it's disappointing that both the Steelers and Packers, my two teams, lost earlier this month. Plus the Eagles and Seahawks and Raiders did not make it either. Though I'm a Steelers fan first and foremost, I've also grown into a Packer fan over the years. And the latter three teams all jockey for the 3, 4, and 5 spots on my favorits list.

That all aside. I'm not surprised that the 49ers lost. I will say that I think Kyle Williams doesn't deserve death threats. It's saddening and sickening. Though I'm glad he's owned up to what happened. It also helps that his father, White Sox GM Ken Williams, has the experience of knowing what and how to deal with these tough circumstances from his playing days in MLB.

And, that's all I have to say for today's blog. Hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

January 4th, 2012

Quickly, I must let everyone know that a good movie to watch is The Adventures of Tintin. It's a really cool movie and the motion capture animation is unbelievable. I saw the movie in IMAX 3D awhile back and was amazed at how cool it looked in that format.

Definitely take the time to see this amazing film when you have the chance. In terms of the voice acting. Awesome. Jamie Bell, Andy Serkis, Daniel Craig and Simon Pegg are all pheomenal in their roles and really give a solid and memorable performance.

I'm definitely looking forward to the sequel when it comes out in a couple of years. I hear it'll come out either Christmas 2014 or Summer 2015. Regardless, the wait for the next Tintin adventure is highly anticipated on my part.

Finally, I hope everyone is doing alright in what is only the 4th day of the new year. So far, we're all alive and no disasters that threaten to wipe out mankind has happened yet.

Thanks for reading. Enjoy the week.