Sunday, September 11, 2011


As I went through my workday, I asked people the same question or a variation of it.

"Do you remember where you were when the World Trade Center was hit? Where did you here the news?"

Everyone gave me different answers, but they all said the same thing. It was surreal and shocking. I remember where I was and what I was doing on September 11th, 2001. I had just woken up around 6am or so. My Mom woke up so she could get breakfast ready and I turned on the TV and saw KTVU broadcasting images of the Twin Towers being hit. I couldn't believe it, neither could my Mom.

I do remember watching as the second plane hit the other Tower. I left for school about an hour later and the whole day was people talking about it, watching it on TV. It was beyond anything we had seen before.

I do remember laughing at my first joke about three days later. I do remember enjoying life again after that. And I do remember how much watching the MLB and NFL meant to me. How the people that mattered meant to me. It's still hard to believe it's been ten years.

Still, I'd like to say that I'm happy we've all been able to move on and continue with life. Let's always enjoy what we have and never forget the people that matter to us.

Thanks for reading.

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