Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Updates on what I'm reading in Comics

Earlier I finished reading Power Girl #25. I've always been a fan of the character, and not just because of the boobies....

I enjoyed the art by Hendry Prasetya and story by Judd Winick. It's been a fun ride reading the book over the course of the last two years. Now I just need to finish the last two issues and catch up entirely on that side of the DCU pre-Flashpoint/Relaunch.

I also finished reading Wonder Woman #610 and will continue to read #611 & #612. I've enjoyed the story and what has gone on with all the crazy changes during the "Odyssey" arc.

Then I'm going to finally catch up on Batman: The Dark Knight by David Finch. I've also enjoyed this story as well and the art has been really awesome.

And last I can't wait to read Gears of War #19, got to get my Gears fix going. Right?

That's all for now.

And last thanks to my FIRST FOLLOWER of my blog. I feel happy, oh so happy!!!

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