Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Resident Evil - Unreleased Games

This is something cool that I found awhile back. Thought I'd post this given how it's the 15th Anniversary of Resident Evil.

DC Relaunch

With only a few hours away from the DC Relaunch featuring Flashpoint #5 and Justice League #1. I thought I'd give everyone my books that I'll be picking during September. Here's the list with dates included:

Justice League

Action Comics
Detective Comics

(Please note I don't have any books on hold for me at my usual shop, but I'll give these ones listed a look.)
Batman and Robin

Red Hood and the Outlaws(maybe)
Wonder Woman

Batman: The Dark Knight
The Flash

11 total books out of the 52 that I'll definitely pick up with regularity and at least 4(so far) that I'll pick up and try out. Not much compared to everyone else, but it's mostly characters I enjoy. I'll definitely post my thoughts on each issue as the relaunch goes on.

Finally, my Gears of War fic is almost done. Took longer than I thought, but it'll definitely be worth the read. At least I think so.

Thanks for reading.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Quick Post 3

This is gettign islly with the quick posts, but this will definitely be one of the last ones. At least that's the plan. I just want everyone to know that I'll be finishing up my Gears of War fiction tonight, I decided to take a break from it and let it just sit for a day.

I'll have it up on fanfiction.net tonight for all to read and get excited about. If you want to read my last two fics, just go to the aforementioned website and in the search engine select penname and type in KenjiMania.

Will try to get back into sports talk and also my selections for the DC Relaunch, The New 52 either tonight or Monday.

Have a good Sunday.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Quick Post 2

Sorry, if I haven't been posting as much as I usually do. I'll try to get back on track soon.

Just wanted to let everyone know that I've been busy working on my second Gears of War story and am almost finished. Should have published on fanfiction.net by tomorrow evening. Also, submitting resumes and typing up cover letters or brief statements of interests for several jobs takes up some time.

Like I said, I'll try to post on a semi-regular basis again. Thanks for following and enjoy the weekend.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Gears of War Fiction

Here's my first Gears of War fiction. Just started this morning and finished about 20 minutes.

It's now up on the fanfiction.net website, though they say it takes up to 4-8 hours for it to upload and it's on my profile as well. Here's the link:


Thanks for reading and supporting my blog.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Here it is!!!!!!!

Here it is!!!!! It's done!!!!! For all of you waiting patiently. Here is my debut story. The link is below.


After almost two weeks of work, I'd say it's pretty good. Enjoy.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Real Quick Update

Sorry that I haven't posted in awhile. I just want everyone to know that I'm planning on FINALLY uploading my big time project very soon. Super excited. The only eventful news is that I've applied to a bunch of places and am hoping to hear back. My resume may not be the best or have the most mind-blowing career experience, but my luck has to change at some point.

I'll have more tomorrow.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Comic Shop Exploration and Project News

Today was a good day for a Monday. Terrible rhyme. That aside. I decided to explore some of the comic shops in the Bay Area. Or the ones that my GPS Nuvi actually led me to. I found Treasure Island Comics over in Newark down the street from Newpark Mall. I was in the area looking for some Wonder Woman action figures and whatever other cool toys. Though much to my surprise the shop was CLOSED!!! On a Monday no less, however their open tomorrow, will probably stop by again and see if the have Titans #1, looking for that particular book.

Actually, what was cool about Newpark mall, aside from the FIVE anchor stores there; Sears, Burlinton Coat Factory, Macys, Target and JCPenney was the two toy shops called Hot Toys and Hot Toys II. Nice little shops that are across from one another, lots of action figures that I haven't seen in many years. Like WWF action figures from the late 90s and early 2000s, before the change to WWE. Still couldn't find my damn Wonder Woman figures....

That aside I also found Black Cat Comics in Milpitas, nice little shop there, not very many toys or back issues, but still a cool little shop in a strip mall type place.

After all that, I went to Lee's Comics over in Mountain View and checked the shop there. I once-in-a-while drop by and look through their trades and try to find hidden or lost gems. But I found my Batman action figure from Batman Incorporated and was able to buy it for $18. Really cool looking Batman figure based off the current suit he's wearing in the book and in Batman: The Dark Knight, I like the suit and like the design of the figure. Now I need to buy the Justice League Classics Batman figure and find another Wonder Woman figure. Pictures to come in the very near future.

Though my two favorite shops will always be Conspiracy in Sunnyvale and Illusive in Santa Clara, always enjoy being at the shops and those are my places where I pick up many of my books.

Finally, on my special personal project news..... The first Beta is done and the person said they thought it was really good. Now just have to wait for the next person and I'll finally unleash my project to all. I've hinted at what it is and about in this post. Can you figure it out?

Enjoy the week!!!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

My Opinion and some Project News

Just a quick update on some things. I heard about, saw, and read about Carlos Zambrano of the Cubs and his ejection and ultimately him throwing another tantrum and saying he's retiring. Really?! You pretty much should have done that years ago. It's really sad to see a guy like Big Z, blow up all the time and ruin a career that had so much potential.

He had so much talent and he had great stuff, but for whatever reason, he couldn't focus. He'd pick fights with teammates, Michael Barrett and Derrick Lee come to mind. He'd blame everyone else for his problems and seemed to think he was invincible after causing trouble. It's unfortunate that several managers from Don Baylor, Dusty Baker, Lou Pinella and now Mike Quade could never reach out to him, or at least tried to. Sadly, they had to placate him as well. Probably because of his contract and the fact that when he was on, he could dominate and win, so the headaches and emotional issues he had were probably worth it. Now? It's over for him with the Cubs and maybe he's out of baseball because of his unwillingness to look at himself and realize the how controlling yourself was actually important.

Maybe he's not out of the game for good, but I'm sure it'll be awhile for a team to take a chance with him. Just my thoughts on the guy.

Finally, another good win for the Diamondbacks. While it's only a two game lead in the West, they still have the lead. Will it last? I think so, and I'm sticking with the Dbacks chances.

And last, I've sent my project out for Beta reading. Two people will read it over and help make it as close to perfect as can be. Sorry for all the teasing so far, but it needs to be done. Oh, and if anyone is wondering what it is, look at my blog's background. Hmm? Is that what my project is?

Have a good night and weekend everyone.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

It's finished and a HUGE update!!!!

Okay everyone(at least the four or five of you who read my blog...), I've got some great news. First, the Diamondbacks' very own rookie 1st basemen Paul Goldschmidt hit a game tying home run in the bottom of the ninth to tie the game against the Houston Astros. Then, Chris Young, good old #10, hit a three-run jack to win the game in the 10th. I'd say that's a great win for the Dbacks. And now they're one game ahead. We'll see how long this lasts.

Meanwhile, Hideki Matusi, ole' #55, had 4-for-6 with 2 RBI, and he's been batting .432 since the All Star Break. True the Oakland A's are 12.5 back in the division, but they can cut it to 9.5 after they sweep that jackhole C.J. Wilson and the Texas Rangers this weekend. Though Wilson did make some valid points, he shouldn't talk when he's 1-2 this season against the A's, with his ERA north of 4.50 I hear. He's asking for it tomorrow night. Hopefully, 23,500 people show up and boo the living hell out of the guy. I'm calling a win, but I don't have the score.

Finally, I have finally finished my personal project I have been working on for week or so now. It's going to get a Beta(I hope). I'm planning on having it published within the next 7-10 days, if I get the Beta. I'll keep everyone posted.

Thanks for reading.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Quick post.

Just a quick update. As you can tell, I'm still sorting out how to change the look of my blog. I'm pretty happy with my background image. The colors of the boxes and text, I'm trying to create something that is consistant and readable. Currently working on something really cool and might be able to actually finish this little (somewhat) growing hobby of mine. Might even make a few of my writer friends happy. I hope.

Finally, no bad mouthing last year's World Series Champions, for now. Hahahahahahaha.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Hollywood Undead - My Town + Lyrics

I just love it!!

Perhaps the best news I've read the last few days regarding the sports world is that the San Francisco Giants have dropped three in a row and 8 out of the last 9. Just beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. I am an Oakland A's fan and the season has gone downhill since late May, but it's still fun to cheer for a team like the Giants to lose.

I'm hoping my #2 team the Arizona Diamondbacks keep on winning and overtake the Giants and win the NL West, it would be a very beautiful thing and maybe even poetic justice for all A's fans I would think. So I would say this has been great news for the last week. Sorry Giants fan, but I've never jumped on the bandwagon. I'm just not that type of person. It's rather unfortunate really. All these bandwagoners. But that's the nature of sports I guess.

And finally, I don't find female Giants worth the time, that's a turn off for me. Time to sign off. Thanks for reading.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

First Ever Blog Post

Hello and welcome to my blog. The name is Ken or Kenji. This is very first blog, not related to any social networking site. My hope is build a very good blog and update 3-4 times per week. As many of you can already tell, it's a work in progress, but overtime I hope to make this a fun and enjoyable place to read. I hope those of you who read this or find me on the internet will take the time to frequent this little spot I created.

My plan is to discuss many, many topics. This will range from comics, movies, TV, video games and sports. Hopefully I can provide some good information.

Once again, thanks for reading and for your support!!!