Saturday, August 6, 2011

I just love it!!

Perhaps the best news I've read the last few days regarding the sports world is that the San Francisco Giants have dropped three in a row and 8 out of the last 9. Just beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. I am an Oakland A's fan and the season has gone downhill since late May, but it's still fun to cheer for a team like the Giants to lose.

I'm hoping my #2 team the Arizona Diamondbacks keep on winning and overtake the Giants and win the NL West, it would be a very beautiful thing and maybe even poetic justice for all A's fans I would think. So I would say this has been great news for the last week. Sorry Giants fan, but I've never jumped on the bandwagon. I'm just not that type of person. It's rather unfortunate really. All these bandwagoners. But that's the nature of sports I guess.

And finally, I don't find female Giants worth the time, that's a turn off for me. Time to sign off. Thanks for reading.

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